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2024 - The Year of Conscious Creation

January 05, 20244 min read

2024 - The Year of Conscious Creation

I don’t normally choose a theme for a year but a few weeks ago a theme found me – Conscious Creation. It felt inspired and exciting, I felt that tingle of alignment with my soul.

I reflected on the amount of time and money I’ve invested in being a consumer of other people’s stuff. While this is enjoyable and I’ve learned some valuable things, I see for me it is a way of not stepping fully into my power as a conscious creator. It’s a busy distraction and a way to stay small and ‘safe’. My mind can always justify it.

A few days ago I had a big insight. I realised something about the little girl in me that felt other people had it all worked out. I know that she felt that she was missing something important. That she often felt scared and anxious about life. I fully saw that she is still trying to keep me safe, pulling on my inner strings. ‘There is a secret out there that other people have and you need to find it.’ she whispers. And after all of my inner work and the huge shifts I’ve had she still has the power to pull me into this old belief. The result is I create something in the world and then I retreat back into searching for THE secret – the secret that my little girl still feels is out there in the world.

You see, although this belief is limiting, I survived a life acting as if that was true and my subconscious mind is not interested in thriving, it is only interested in repeating patterns that I have survived. So, I’m going to send so much love to that small girl, thank her for her strategy and keep letting her know that there is no secret out there that I need to find. I am a conscious creator and my soul is a spark of the infinite field of possibility – the creator of all that is. There is a unique expression longing to come into life through me (and you). I am choosing to no longer let the limitations of my programming and misunderstandings stop me from consciously creating.

It hasn't mattered how many mentors or channels have told me that you are gifted, you are ready to share with the world, you have everything that you need to make a difference. There has been a nagging doubt. It has never looked clearer to me that this doubt is just the programming trying to keep me safe. I know that consciously creating allows all the unhelpful beliefs and patterns to be illuminated and healed. Conscious creation is magical, therapeutic and a gift of being a spiritual being in a human form living in this world of contrast. I know each time I create that I learn and sometimes the learning comes when my mind labels it a failure. But there is only growth and realignment. Imagine someone hating my creation so much that they create something in contrast - we never know the ripple effect of our conscious creations.

In 2024, I’ve decided to not buy any more online courses or books -argh. This is huge for me – my motto has been, just one more, for years! I noticed both a sense of liberation and fear of missing out rise up in me when that decision was made. Instead of being a consumer, I’m going to focus on allowing conscious creations to flow through me. I’m not going to block them, judge them, take credit for them, compare them, I’m going to be the vessel through which they flow. It is going to be an interesting experiment and I’m excited to see what is created and how I am going to nurture my inner child and nervous system as I allow this to unfold.

You might not have the same pattern preventing you from being a conscious creator of your life but I’d recommend taking a moment to see what the pattern is in your life, attempting to keep you 'safe'. What stories do you tell? What patterns prevent you from fully showing up and being a conscious creator? We are creating in every moment but for most of us we are creating a life to compensate for the limiting beliefs and patterns we have. Stepping into conscious creation could be in any area of your life and work, it is not just for the writers, artists and musicians. You can begin to consciously create the relationships that you want, the work you do, the way you care for your body, how you spend your spare time.

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Nicola Drew

I help entrepreneurs, healers and writers awaken and realign with the infinite potential of who they are at human, soul and source levels so that they can consciously create a life that lights them up. I use a unique fusion of my experience as a psychotherapist, intuitive, energy healer, personal and business coach, trauma specialist, author and spiritual guide combined with the experience of overcoming my own struggles and waking up to my true nature of peace, love and happiness.

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