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A Rich Life

April 01, 20243 min read

A Rich Life

Last night I saw that I've been living distracted - recently, the pull of fear and dissatisfaction had me drift away from living the truth of who I am. I'm awake and aware of this now and I'm fully committed to living a life from being, a life of 'rich' experience. Here's what I wrote about it this morning.

In the quiet of dawn, a promise is whispered to me. Not of what the day holds, but of what lies within me, untouched, vast. I chase after shadows of ‘getting there’ and ‘making it’, mistaking them for the substance I yearn for, but it's the feeling beneath I crave. I want to live from the depths of my soul, from the source of my being.

Life unfolds in layers of experiences, each one a lesson, a revelation. It's in the laughter that bubbles up during shared silences, the solace found in a tear, the warmth of a hand grasping mine in the dark, creating from essence. These are the moments that weave the fabric of my existence, not the milestones I reach.

I have draped myself in achievements, sought safety and validation in numbers, and things of the world. Yet, in moments of quiet introspection, I find a truth hard to ignore: That beneath the layers of my mind’s expectations, my true self shimmers, untamed, pure – calling me home.

My journey has been cluttered with the debris of who I think I should be, echoes of judgments, and the weight of others' dreams. But my essence, that core of light and love, keeps calling me back, reminding me of the beauty of being.

Within every experience, joyous or laden with sorrow, there's an essence, a kernel of truth about my existence. It's an opportunity to peel back the layers, to grow, to embrace the depths of my being.

An inner urge pulls me to live untethered, to shed the cloaks of illusion, and to step away from the shadows of false ideals I've been taught to pursue. In this liberation, my true self emerges, infinite, radiant.

What defines the richness of my life isn't the tangibles I accumulate, but the intangible — living from being, the depth of my connections, and the love I share. These are the marks of a life well-lived, the legacy I leave behind.

So, I immerse myself in the richness of now, where the essence of life’s beauty is unveiled in full splendour. It’s in awareness that I’m invited to discover the depths of who I truly am. With this self-revelation, I can embrace the world in all its majesty, to revel in its joys and wonders. In it but not of it, as a wise one once said.

This, then, becomes the foundation of a truly rich life, not measured by accumulated expectations but by the depth of my experiences, the knowing of my being, and my capacity to cherish and engage with the endless marvels the world offers.

Much love

Nicola x

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