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Check in

August 15, 20231 min read

Check in

How often do you check in with how you're doing?

Do you regularly check that your physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual needs are in balance and regulated?

Or do you push through regardless at the risk of disregulation plunging you into unhelpful thought patterns, reactions and behaviours?

I checked in with myself this afternoon when I'd spent ten minutes trying to add up a column of numbers, with a calculator, and I kept getting a different answer.

I felt the familiar tension in my jaw and frustration with the numbers .

I've had a difficult working week. I've held space for clients facing the hardest things in life. A baby on the edge of life, deep rooted trauma and terrible addictions.

I'd set a couple of hours aside this afternoon to work on my business accounts but then I noticed.

I remembered to check in and when I did I saw myself through the eyes of compassion. I closed the laptop down and I went for a swim. You see my wellbeing is too important for me to push on through regardless now.

I know that certain days I might have had more client sessions so a swim wouldn't have been an option. Luckily, I have a whole toolkit of things I can do to reset. Some take less than a minute and are enough to get be through until I can do a proper reset.

So please pause and check in with your beautiful mind, body and soul. Ask it what it needs from you. Treat it like a beloved pet or child. Nuture it with love and understanding. You are worth it.

Much love


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Nicola Drew

I help entrepreneurs, healers and writers awaken and realign with the infinite potential of who they are at human, soul and source levels so that they can consciously create a life that lights them up. I use a unique fusion of my experience as a psychotherapist, intuitive, energy healer, personal and business coach, trauma specialist, author and spiritual guide combined with the experience of overcoming my own struggles and waking up to my true nature of peace, love and happiness.

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