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Lessons from 29th of Febraury

February 29, 20242 min read

On the 29th February, we encounter an extra day, an invention of our own making to keep the calendar aligned with the Earth’s journey around the sun. It’s a curious thing, this agreement to just add time, as if we had the power to expand the fabric of our existence by mutual consent. This day serves as a reminder of the other constructs, both societal and personal, that we've accepted and internalised, often without question.

From childhood, we’re introduced to a plethora of beliefs and narratives, some magical and full of wonder, others laden with expectations and limitations. These stories, told by society, family, and eventually echoed by our own inner voice, shape our reality. They dictate norms, establish values, and set the boundaries within which we operate. We’re taught to fear the unknown, to strive for predefined notions of success, and to conform to the roles laid out for us, even when they chafe against our true nature.

As children, we accept these narratives, believing in their truth as fervently as we believe in the tales of monsters under the bed. These beliefs, while comforting in their familiarity, can also be the chains that bind us, preventing us from exploring the vast potential of our lives. They create suffering when they’re misaligned with our inner truths, when the roles we’re playing no longer fit the essence of who we are.

The leap day invites us to ponder these artificial constructs. Just as we've agreed to insert a day into our calendar for practical reasons, we can examine the other "days" we've inserted into the narrative of our lives. Which of these serve us, keeping our seasons aligned, and which have we outgrown? It’s an opportunity to release what no longer serves our highest good, to shed the old skins of outdated beliefs and identities and to step into a more authentic version of ourselves.

This moment of extra time can be a catalyst for reflection on what it means to live according to our own terms. It challenges us to question the stories we’ve been told and the ones we tell ourselves. What if we could rewrite these stories? What if we could make every day a leap day, in the sense of leaping toward our true desires and away from the shadows of fear and conformity?

Let this leap day be a reminder of our power to redefine the boundaries of our lives, to release the narratives that cause suffering, and to embrace a path that aligns with our deepest truths. It’s a day to celebrate our ability to change, to grow, and to choose a life that resonates with who we truly are. In making space for this extra day, let’s also make space for more love, more authenticity, more freedom in our lives and create a life that lights us up.

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