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Soul Path

November 05, 20234 min read

Soul Path

My mind has opinions about how my life should be.

Its opinions come with a stuckness, a not enoughness, a strategy for a solution or a temporary sense of being ‘there’.

Sometimes it comes with blame, shame, envy, resistance, relief or pride.

My mind must be onto something as I can feel it in my body, right?

I feel panic, helpless, resigned or I get into action – busy, busy – things to sort, strategies to implement.

Out on the horizon, I’ll find the peace, the safety, the promises of the mind.

But the horizon out runs me or I get ‘there’ and I find that it isn’t this horizon after all.

Up comes a new mind opinion, a new mission, a different horizon to reach.

The mind missions feel so compelling. My body responds, my nervous system alerts. “Just get to that horizon, for God's sake, then you’ll be safe, then you’ll be and have enough” my mind begs.

But I now know - until I don’t - it’s not about the mind missions. Those shape-shifting tricksters are never-ending, have you noticed that?

It’s about my soul mission.

The soul path is not about chasing the ever-moving horizons of life.

The soul path is on a different trajectory. Inwards along the vertical dimension.

It isn’t about adding or chasing, clinging or suffering.

It’s about thinning and lifting the veil of forgetting to uncover the beautiful essence of true nature.

It’s about remembering to look where I haven’t been looking and about feeling the truth of my soul.

It’s about allowing space to meet, feel and move through all of the conditioning layered on top of my essential essence.

It’s about being okay with all aspects of my humanness and allowing all of it.

It is about embracing it all despite what the mind says.

The soul path is not for the faint of heart though. There is nowhere to hide. But it is the path of truth, wisdom and love.

It is what you are actually searching for whether you know it or not.

Sometimes life grabs me and plunges me onto my soul path.

Sometimes I consciously search for it.

Sometimes I wander off my mind’s path and find myself on it.

And even as I write this I know it is all the soul path and this is the paradox.

It can’t be understood by the mind, and this is why it is so hard to talk about.

But here I am sitting on a sun lounger, watching an ant on a busy mission. Perfect and beautifully, effortlessly ‘anting’.

I notice the vast palm trees swaying in a gentle breeze. Giving a hint at their superpower. The ability to bend in a storm.

I notice my hand moving and these words flow out onto the sunlit page of my ‘Let your soul shine’ notebook. There’s a theme here I notice!

I’m on a break at the Viva event exploring The 3 Principles discovered by Sydney Banks. Syd had a spontaneous enlightenment experience and shared his insights with the world.

Before I came across Syd’s work life had cracked me open, a few times, to its magical beauty. Unconditional love and oneness found in the deepest loss and fear.

Years later when I heard about Syd’s experience, I knew I too had touched that place of ‘home’. I wept as I heard him describe the absolute unconditional love, peace and wisdom. I’d tasted that too.

I don’t think any human can be the same again after falling into that ‘space’. Its sweet perfume remains.

My life mission seems to be to know this ‘place’, to deepen into it and to guide others there.

Many don’t understand, some will ridicule my mission and that’s okay. I know there are many who are ready to get curious enough to consider the possibility of a deeper experience of life.

My mission is to help people remove the limiting obstacles – to help lift the veil of forgetting, walk people back home and so raise the level of consciousness on the planet.

I continue the work with myself, deepening onto my soul path. Overcoming my fears and mind missions.

I notice that I continue to get caught up and also enjoy the horizontal life too. I see this as a gift, not something to get rid of.

I can show up and look out to the horizon.

I can enjoy and be scared by the ever-changing waters of life knowing my wholeness isn’t to be found there.

I know I bring my wholeness with me to life, I know you do too.

I can explore, make a difference and fail and none of it will make me more loving, loved or loveable.

You see the beautiful gift of the soul path has shown me that at the deepest level, my essence is unconditional love and that’s true for you too.

It’s true even when we don’t consciously know it or feel it. It’s true even when your mind is telling you what a terrible person you are. It’s true when we are acting out unloving programming.

Knowing that truth has set me free and it can for you too.

Much love

Nicky x

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Nicola Drew

I help entrepreneurs, healers and writers awaken and realign with the infinite potential of who they are at human, soul and source levels so that they can consciously create a life that lights them up. I use a unique fusion of my experience as a psychotherapist, intuitive, energy healer, personal and business coach, trauma specialist, author and spiritual guide combined with the experience of overcoming my own struggles and waking up to my true nature of peace, love and happiness.

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