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The Sweetest Nectar

December 28, 20234 min read

The Sweetest Nectar

Inward I travel into the game of life.

This time I’ll remember the essence of my soul.

This time my light will remain bright.

This time I’ll be a guide, guiding souls back to the sweetest nectar of all.

I land with a bump and a thump, righten myself and look out of the eyes of presence into the magical, creative, land of experience.

My mission is clear, and the taste of nectar plays on my tongue.

The adjustment is harsh, the rejections come thick and fast.

My system is wired differently – it is so sensitive – everything is felt so deeply.

There is stress and darkness in the land, side by side with beauty and compassion.

I look around and the souls are working hard to feed their families and fight the social and political injustices.

There is violence and lostness amongst the connection and love.

The taste of the sweetest nectar fades into an echo of wholeness.

I’m told I’m a sinner just for being born in this land.

School is harsh and shame and blame are scattered freely onto the little souls.

My light gets dimmer, and I learn that it isn’t safe to be fully seen.

Other messages are absorbed and draped across my light – you should look different, work and money create stress, and don’t speak your truth.

I see numbing, distraction, and projection around me.

The false nectars of the land are bountiful calling to the souls.

I become hypnotised by the land of experience and the veil of forgetting covers the knowing of the sweetest nectar.

I feel the loss and go on a search outside of myself into the land of experience.

I did find sweetness from time to time – a call inwards to the nectar of my soul but it was fleeting and not able to be nurtured.

With my light dimmed and the false nectar on my lips I turn fully to the land of experience to complete me.

I’m a lost soul gathering scraps of experience from the land.

But all is not lost as these scraps are riches in potential.

One day the bitter-sweet depths of these experiences will be transformed and will become the portal through which I return to the sweetest nectar.

These inner riches will become the quiet guides of recognition.

It was not for nothing any of this experience in the land.

Long into my journey in the land, grace paused my human experience – cracked me open and revealed the inner riches.

I briefly tasted the sweetest nectar again.

They were glimpses but they were enough to reignite my mission.

The first journey had to be to reclaim my own sacred soul.

This was a long and winding path with many mazes to navigate.

I had the belief that there would be an arrival, a fanfare, a completion.

That I’d sink into the sweetest nectar and be done.

From this place of completion, I’d call to the other souls, and they’d willingly come and know the place again.

I’d fallen for a spiritual trap of the land – a different distraction.

I’d forgotten that I’d chosen the land of experience for the evolution and the ongoing, ever-changing play of life.

I gently released the expectation of a final completion.

My mission revealed itself - to continue to expand through both the inner and outer journey, to fully feel, to heal, to unveil and reveal the essence of the sweetest nectar and share it in my life and through my work.

As I become more aware of the source of light within all I can radiate that out into the land for those that are ready for the inner journey.

Many won’t be ready, some won’t believe me, and they may mock.

Others will be unable to turn away from the saccharine sweetness and bitter aftertaste of the land – stuck in a compelling loop for now.

But while there is a possibility that others can lift the veil of forgetting and live in the land with a remembrance of the sweetest nectar – then my mission is clear.

Because this land needs more souls fully shining their light of love.

This land is not meant to be navigated without the taste of the sweetest nectar.

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Nicola Drew

I help entrepreneurs, healers and writers awaken and realign with the infinite potential of who they are at human, soul and source levels so that they can consciously create a life that lights them up. I use a unique fusion of my experience as a psychotherapist, intuitive, energy healer, personal and business coach, trauma specialist, author and spiritual guide combined with the experience of overcoming my own struggles and waking up to my true nature of peace, love and happiness.

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