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Thread of Light

September 01, 20231 min read

Thread of Light

In the darkness, I felt a thread of light.

These moments they weren’t light, they were tragedies.

And yet the light was there guiding me inwards, guiding me through.

I’d felt this thread of light before, but not like this.

I thought the light belonged to moments of joy.

I thought the light was only available in times of love.

I thought the light came in from life.

When the thread of light revealed itself to me in the darkness.

I knew,

I knew nothing,

I knew everything,

I saw that in the darkness there is love.

Love without the evidence.

There was peace.

Peace without the evidence.

There was hope.

Hope without the evidence.

And all along this thread of light weaves between the ever-changing moments of life.

Guiding, calling me home to the truth of me, the truth of you, the truth of the darkness and the light.

Remember the thread of light within – it will lead you to the place of knowing.

To the place of love even without the evidence.

by Nicola Drew x

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Nicola Drew

I help entrepreneurs, healers and writers awaken and realign with the infinite potential of who they are at human, soul and source levels so that they can consciously create a life that lights them up. I use a unique fusion of my experience as a psychotherapist, intuitive, energy healer, personal and business coach, trauma specialist, author and spiritual guide combined with the experience of overcoming my own struggles and waking up to my true nature of peace, love and happiness.

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